It definitely seems to be closer to the definition of art than music in my opinion anyway. Gottfried von Leibniz (1646–1716), music reflected a universal rhythm and mirrored a reality that was fundamentally mathematical, to be experienced in the mind as a subconscious apprehension of numerical relationships. Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) perpetuated, in effect, the idea of the harmony of the spheres, attempting to relate music to planetary movement. St. Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225–74), held the basis of music to be mathematical; music reflects celestial movement and order. Such returns to simplicity, directness, and the primacy of the word have been made periodically, out of loyalty to Platonic imperatives, however much these “neo” practices may have differed from those of the Greeks themselves.
- We are extremely happy to have in our hands the annual compilation made by the Art Vibes collective to celebrate the heat and freshness of Summer.
- ‘Ethera’ by