Hammond organist Brian Ho, on the other hand, is just a rhythmic player who swings. He’s not as inventive as Jimmy Smith or Barbara Dennerlein , who are the two…
The cello plays undulating, ambient figures to suggest a whale, then high held notes on the edge of its strings. This is as good a performance as the one by…
The Horst 2022 Exhibition will run throughout summer once it has been celestially opened during the Festival weekend at the end of April. In addition to ourclass schedule, the studio…
Samsung Health Apps on Google Play Data from the Cycle Tracking app should not be used to diagnose a health condition. You decide which information is in the Health app,…
In acoustics, the Greeks discovered the correspondence between the pitch of a note and the length of a string. But they did not progress to a calculation of pitch on…
Music in all its varied forms is the most accessible and affordable form of art we have today. Justine is involved in project conceptualization, instrument design, and all facets of…
Nocturne No. 12 struck me as the most surreal and fragmented of the series, using the pentatonic scale and chromatic harmonies with the right hand playing, for the most part,…