This belief, however, doesn't explain why music and art can evoke emotion in the audience if it's not simply due to an exploitation of more basic senses. With dancefloors in…
Music echoes divine harmony; rhythm and melody imitate the movements of heavenly bodies, thus delineating the music of the spheres and reflecting the moral order of the universe. Earthly music,…
Both the theme statement, fragmented and almost as an allusion rather than a solid statement, and the variants move very slowly, building incrementally over a period of time. Being a…
Beginning in 1966, the degree of social and artistic dialogue among rock musicians dramatically accelerated for bands who fused elements of composed music with the oral musical traditions of rock.…
Naturally, this new recording has far superior sonics to Barshai’s, but I still commend his interpretation to you as well. Many cultures around the world have musical traditions that fall…
Alumni hold key positions in museums, galleries, archives, performing arts organizations, and media companies. Others have gone on to prestigious graduate programs and have subsequently secured academic positions. With a…
As early as the 1930s, artists attempted to cultivate ideas of "symphonic jazz", taking it away from its perceived vernacular and black American roots. Following these developments, histories of popular…
In between Nos. 2 and 4, however, we get the relatively long, almost surrealist Nocturne No. 3, which almost sounds like one of the composer’s Cartas Celestas in miniature. In…