Art, Music & Recreation Center

We also strive to help students appreciate Art, Music and Theatre as significant dimensions of the human experience. Studying the history of the arts brings home the central role that they have played in the development of human thought, both within and outside the Judeo-Christian tradition. Practicing the arts encourages students to incorporate creative expression into their wider intellectual and personal development. In forming the human being more completely, the department fulfills a fundamental goal of Catholic education.

  • The goals of the program are to foster experimentation in art and music, to support significant contributions to popular musical expression, and to do both in a way that encourages interdisciplinary exploration.
  • Indian classical music does not organize around harmony, but melody and the relative relationship of each note to the others.
  • As usual, Scopel is a master of both mood and articulation, bringing out the structure of these pieces without over-emphasizing anything yet still making every note, even in the inner voices, audible to the listener.

I really don’t think that any review or liner notes could be more eloquent than that. And as a bonus, Mr. Perelman was kind enough to send me these great photos of he and Mr. Shipp together. It really is a joy for them to play together, and in this CD that joy has truly come to…Fruition.

Popular music

Matthew just responded to this subtle change of sound physics of the new mouthpiece and further advanced our already highly ever-evolving symbiotic musical relationship. The Flute Concerto No. 1, evidently written to comply with the Soviets’ demand for accessible music, is an unusually chipper piece for him at this stage of his life , but chipper it is. Coming on the CD between the Seventh and Third symphonies, it acts as a sort of upbeat emotional buffer. Gražinytė-Tyla’s performance, along with flautist Marie-Christine Zupancic, is appropriately upbeat. There is little or no angst here, but how can you make a flute express sadness and despair? The opening of the last movement is wholly unique, sounding like a phone ringing that is not answered before going into soft, moving figures in the violins.

Unlimited Music & SFX for

Lluviaporos February 4, 2015 @KoiwiGal – I actually think that’s why art music is so important. If we just left it to the masses and the companies that cater to them, there would never be any innovation in music. They are very good at getting it down to a specific formula, with certain beats and speed and so forth. They spend more time on the image of the singer than on developing the sound. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) also extolled the discursive faculties, saying that art, though it expresses the divine, must yield to philosophy. He acknowledged the peculiar power of music to express many nuances of the emotions.

Not that the entire song itself is predictable, but just that it follows recognizable patterns to some extent. Art music is a term that describes any type of music that has a more complex structure than popular music and requires the listener to pay attention. In general, popular music is catchy and doesn’t require anything from the listener. Art music typically is an acquired taste where the listener must either study before valuing it or must listen attentively to appreciate it. Aristotle, following Plato, thought that music has power to mold human character, but he would admit all the modes, recognizing happiness and pleasure as values to both the individual and the state. Aristotle made a distinction between those who have only theoretical knowledge and those who produce music, maintaining that persons who do not perform cannot be good judges of the performances of others.