Sound Art

Zwilich’s well-known combination of tonal, melodic music with modes and modern harmonies tossed in for flavor are clearly on display here, but so too is Zuill Bailey’s cello. In fact, except for his second recording of the Bach Cello Suites, issued a few months ago, I can’t recall hearing any other recording by him that so perfectly captures his gorgeous, manicured tone. In fact, judging just by those two recordings, I would go out on a limb and say that his tone has actually grown in richness and depth of sound. He used to sound like Emanuel Feuermann; he now sounds like Mstislav Rostropovich.

Both are humanly engineered; both are conceptual and auditory, and these factors have been present in music of all styles and in all periods of history, throughout the world. Art music (alternatively called classical music, cultivated music, serious music, and canonic music) is music considered to be of high phonoaesthetic value. It typically implies advanced structural and theoretical considerations or a written musical tradition. In this context, the terms “serious” or “cultivated” are frequently used to present a contrast with ordinary, everyday music (i.e. popular and folk music, also called “vernacular music”).

Boyd also has been in group exhibitions in places such as Cleveland and San Francisco. This will be Boyd’s first time since 2019 showcasing new bodies of work at 934 Gallery. You do not need a reservation or ticket to attend BAM Thursdays, however if you would like to visit the Museum, we ask you reserve a timed ticket in advance here. He proposes an interesting mix between minimalistic house and organic electronic music, achieving a resolutely futuristic track.

  • If you don’t specialize in the old-timey music that’s been around since Victoria was the Queen of England, you don’t get much promotion.
  • He is also an educator who has been teaching music for over 20 years and recently joined MECA&D as an adjunct instructor in the newly launched Bob Crewe Program in Art and Music.
  • Five athletic musicians perform with 145 mobile invented instruments — all hand-made by group leader and composer, Gregory Kozak.
  • Gražinytė-Tyla’s performance, along with flautist Marie-Christine Zupancic, is appropriately upbeat.
  • But they did not progress to a calculation of pitch on the basis of vibrations, though an attempt was made to connect sounds with underlying motions.

I was just as delighted with the leader’s arrangements of other standard tunes in this album as I was with Morning Sunrise. He does indeed create a new tune over the chords of the original, but doesn’t extend it to the degree that Witzel does, falling into the usual sequence-o-f-rhythmic-chords that most jazz organists use. I don’t wish to make this sound as if Ho is not a good jazz organist; he clearly is; he’s just not on the same level as the leader, Witzel. The term “art music” refers primarily to classical traditions that focus on formal styles, invite technical and detailed deconstruction and criticism, and demand focused attention from the listener. In strict western practice, art music is considered primarily a written musical tradition, preserved in some form of music notation, as opposed to being transmitted orally, by rote, or in recordings . Adam Hernandez is a self-taught visual artist originally from the Bronx, New York.

Music Art Images

Boethius (c. 480–524), was well suited to the needs of the church; the conservative aspects of that philosophy, with its fear of innovation, were conducive to the maintenance of order. The role of music as accessory to words is nowhere more clearly illustrated than in the history of Christianity, where the primacy of the text has always been emphasized and sometimes, as in Roman Catholic doctrine, made an article of faith. In the varieties of plainchant, melody was used for textual illumination; the configurations of sound took their cue from the words.


We acknowledge that the historical relationship to the land and territories of these peoples continues to this day. When not performing, Gregory is boldly exploring compositional ideas on piano and drums, following world events, running around Mt. Tolmie, taking Arrow and Oblio on walks, and helping Justine in the garden. Scrap Arts Music is a unique Canadian project honoured to receive invitations to perform across North America and around the world for audiences from all walks of life. Having already recorded Mieczysław Weinberg’s symphonies Nos. 2 & 21 three years ago for Deutsche Grammophon, Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla here presents the Third and Seventh Symphonies along with the Flute Concerto No. 1. Although all have already been recorded by others, there are clear indications to me that, if finished, this is going to be the Weinberg Symphony set. Although Russian conductor Semyon Bychkov is considered one of the finest Mahler conductors of the post-Klaus Tennstedt era, he has only recently begun recording his symphonies.

Bringing the Opera to the People and the People to the Opera

The history of music itself is largely an account of its adjunctive function in rituals and ceremonies of all kinds—religious, military, courtly—and in musical theatre. The Nocturnes are much shorter works than the Cartas Celestas as well as more rhythmic, although their rhythm is made up of complex meters. The exceptions are nocturnes Nos. 2 and 4, the former having a melody based on Beethoven’s “Moonlight” Sonata and No. 4 having a lovely, almost lullaby-like tune, which explains their having been previously recorded.