GM Art & Music

Alumni hold key positions in museums, galleries, archives, performing arts organizations, and media companies. Others have gone on to prestigious graduate programs and have subsequently secured academic positions. With a retro-futuristic, sci-fi vibe that takes visual inspiration from German films of the 1920s, Scrap Arts Music’s Children of Metropolis is a fast-paced, all-acoustic percussive bonanza with five musicians bringing their original score to heart-pounding life. It features over 145 self-made sculptural instruments, sixteen all-original music compositions, Scrap Arts Music’s signature action-choreography, and a whimsical full-length movie of our own making that shows while the musicians perform live. Five athletic musicians perform with 145 mobile invented instruments — all hand-made by group leader and composer, Gregory Kozak.

  • You are indicating that you would like to receive information from Jazz Pharmaceuticals about educational programs, products, and services.
  • Titonton Duvante has long been a cult favourite of those who know for well over two decades.
  • Whereas Western music is arranged around specific major or minor keys that use specific notes contained in that scale, Hindustani music is arranged around the Indian equivalent of a Western major or minor key, with some differences.
  • Between fruity sounds, ethereal sound atmospheres and avant-garde beats, Solstice Vibes is once again one of the most anticipated releases of the Summer.

Music interested them in terms extrinsic to itself, in its observable effects; in its connections with dance, religious ritual, or festive rites; because of its alliance with words; or for some other extramusical consideration. The only common denominator to be found, aside from the recognition of different types of music, is the acknowledgment of its connection with the emotional life, and here, to be sure, is that problematic power of the art to move. Various extramusical preoccupations are the raison d’être of “contextualist” explanations of music, which are concerned with its relation to the human environment.

After the first exhibition of her pictures in Berlin, her “God-given talent” was several times mentioned by the art critics. In Manila particularly, amidst the pealing of bells and strains of music, unfeigned enthusiasm and joy were everywhere evident. Woman is mistress of the art of completely embittering the life of the person on whom she depends. LaShae Boyd graduated from Columbus College of Art and Design with a BFA in 2019. Boyd has recently exhibited work at the John Glenn International Airport in Columbus, Ohio in partnership with 934 Gallery, along with the Columbus Arts Festival in 2019 and has been published in 614 Magazine.

He is most known for his street art and modern hieroglyphic inspired style from the Land of Thunderbirds. He has been commissioned to create artwork for clients including Maker’s Mark, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Condado Tacos, and the Ohio State University. He has painted murals at street art destinations worldwide from the B Line in Chicago to the Searle Street Graffiti Park in Capetown, South Africa. His artwork has been featured on NBC’s Chicago PD and he has been featured in multiple publications including Sold Magazine, Delta Sky Magazine and Most recently, he has partnered with Jackie O’s Brewery for a series of limited edition cans and a mural at their new Columbus, OH location.

Kaleidoscope Art & Music Festival

As the definition of popular music changes over time as public tastes change, defining art music may be difficult. Many musical traditions that are considered art music today were popular music styles of the past. In centuries to come, some types of popular music may fall out of favor and become classified as art music. And like Confucius he was anxious to regulate the use of particular modes (i.e., arrangements of notes, like scales) because of their supposed effects on people. Plato was a stern musical disciplinarian; he saw a correspondence between the character of a person and the music that represented him or her. In the Laws, Plato declared that rhythmic and melodic complexities were to be avoided because they led to depression and disorder.

I have Barshai’s recording of this piece, and it is an exceptionally good one; so too is Gražinytė-Tyla’s. Both manage to maintain an aura of sadness even in the most chipper passages, which by this time was wholly appropriate. When passages are played with energy and forward momentum, they sound more ironic, like smiling through clenched teeth, than exuberant.

Art Vibes Music

Writing such reflective, slow music for the last movement is surely unusual, but in time the tempo doubles as both lower strings and winds in the orchestra play syncopated figures. He brings a rare combination of seriousness and light-hearted insouciance to this music, which makes it work quite well. Eventually, the busy elements of this movement fade away, there is a moment of silence, and whet it resumes it is again moody and reflective. Being five movements long rather than just three or four, Weinberg has a lot to say in this work. One is struck, for instance, how the solo harpsichord passages somehow manage to sound sad as well, since this is one of the most cheerful-sounding instruments in the world. I must give kudos to Kirill Gerstein for his sensitive, outstanding performance as well.

And Witzel’s solo is an extension of that theme, using its harmonic base to improvise on but also extending the time—and the harmony—within his improvised choruses. In other words, the solo, too, is a composition, just a spontaneously created one. While my readers know very well that I am not a big fan of this modern trend towards soft-grained jazz guitar playing, it is what Witzel plays rather than the style in which he plays it that grabbed my attention. His solos are wonderfully creative, far better than the first “soft jazz” guitarists of the 1990s were.


The program, working in tandem with MECA&D’s rigorous visual arts offerings, prepares students to cross traditional boundaries as musicians, performers, sound artists, artists and thinkers. You will note that amidst the percussion instruments are “5 Japanese temple bells,” and it is these plus the glass harmonica that create the eerie droning effect. My readers know that I detest modern-day “ambient” music because it is usually soft, slow, tonal and drippy, but Crumb, one of the pioneers of ambient music, was NEVER tonal and drippy. Even in his slow, soft music, as here, he was harmonically and texturally adventurous to a fault. Like Harry Partch before him, he created sounds never previously heard by human ears out of instruments that were, in other contexts, quite “normal”-sounding, and Dream Sequence is clearly one of these.

This kind of creative involvement cultivates the capacity for spontaneous composition. Except for his overly frantic and too cheerful reading of the Rondo-Burleske, however, this is one of the greatest performances of this symphony you are ever likely to hear. Born in Tenerife, he began his musical training as a horn player at the Conservatorio Superior de Tenerife, and later graduated with honors in the specialty of singing at the Conservatori del Liceu in Barcelona.